Here are some progress pictures of a new series I'm currently working on. I'm finally making time to work on my own drawings, just for fun - not for an illustration job or an exhibition, and it feels like such a treat! With these images I've decided to look back on past drawings of mine and continue to work with some themes and symbols that have always resonated with me. Hopefully I will have more to show in the not too distant future...

Recently the ceramic artist Ingrid Tufts asked me if I would create some new illustrations for a series of large bowls she is working on. We have worked together before on an illustrated cup and bowl set, a collaboration organised by Craft Victoria (which you can see here and here). I'm so happy with these new pieces, Ingrid creates such beautiful objects!

YANOYA from shishi yamazaki on Vimeo.

Beautiful animation by Shishi Yamazaki (follow the links above to see more).
Found via Carson Ellis.

Potted Flower Embroidery

I'm using the tea dyed cotton I made last week to create a new series of embroideries... a small collection of potted flowers!

Marimekko Summer 2013

Lovely colour! Marimekko Summer 2013.

Tea Dyeing

I have been doing some tea dyeing as I have in mind a new series of small embroideries.


I am attempting to make my first quilt. I actually have no idea what I am doing, I simply want to use up all the fabric scraps I have collected here and there, over the years. I'm not really paying much attention to overall design either (as you can see above) so I guess it will just turn out looking however it decides to. Which hopefully won't be too much of a mess!
It also means I finally get to make friends with my new sewing machine, which was a birthday present from my beloved Grandma. All my previous sewing adventures have been done using a Singer machine that had it's heyday circa 1930. I'm happily getting used to using a foot pedal (rather than a knee lever) and being able to do more than one straight stitch. Fun times.